Friday, August 19, 2016

A sample of some of my paintings not in my Etsy Store. If you see anything you like please email me at

Thursday, April 28, 2016

My first waterfall, done on 11x17 canvas. Not my last.

This was my obsession to paint a lighthouse. That is why I have named this Lighthouse itch. It has been scratched. Will do again if someone wants to buy one but otherwise has been scratched. On a 11x17 canvas but can be done on larger canvas.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

This one done for my living room.  Painted on 16x20 canvas. Lovers in the park.

Nature scene. Painted for brother in law. This is on 16x20 canvas.
This is a very poplar picture. Many request for this painting. Painted on 16x20 canvas.
This was my view drving to work one morning in Dallas. Just had to paint this.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My new craft passion. Acrylic painting.  Leaning a lot from you tube artist that are kind enough to share the knowledge and inspiration. Here are the links for the artist that I got my inspiration and help on the 2 paintings in this post. These are the last two I have painted will post more of my works soon.